Saturday, September 06, 2008

Are You A Republican? The Republican Quiz!

Here's the best way to find out if you are a part of the Republican Party base.
Answer each of the questions and look at the bottom for the answer.

1. Do you believe it is our God-given right as Americans to bear arms?
[YES] [NO]

2. National Security means keeping our country safe from the terrorists.
[YES] [NO]

3. Do you believe women should not have a choice but to have their baby?

[YES] [NO]

4. I believe the wealthy should pay less taxes while the hard-working middle class should pay more taxes.
[YES] [NO]

5. It is of my strong conviction that all Muslim people are my enemies.
[YES] [NO]

6. It is of my strong conviction that all homosexual people are my enemies.
[YES] [NO]

7. I feel that we do not need to try new ways of using energy. We need to own new regions where oil is available, and hey - Nuclear power.
[YES] [NO]

8. Wars are unfortunate. Nobody wants to start them or go through them. I don't need to question anything about it because it's not happening in my country.
[YES] [NO]

9. Fear is not only a great motivator, but it gets people to do the things you want them to.
[YES] [NO]

10. Once it was the separation of church and state that made laws fair and equal. Now in order to be fair, an equal amount of churches need to support the state, not by law, but for their faith.
[YES] [NO]


If you answered 3 or more questions YES, then you are a Republican.
If you realized that there were only 2 questions, then you aren't a
Republican. You win a free 100% Cotton XXL Tee:

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